First event for the Access Alumni

After approvals and instructions received from the American embassy, For You institute has announced and called for Kirkuk Access Alumni reunion on behalf of the embassy. To run seminars and open discussion panels, to check on the Access alumnus progress. As well as, continues monitoring and encouragement to build on their old and any recently gained skills. Besides all that, to show them that Access program is not only the two years they had spent and embraced at some point of their lives. It is a life time experience, and continues learning to ensure that our students have become leaders within their communities and universities all over the country. After speeches presented by some of Access alumni students’
who talked about their current life status and experiences, other students participated and expressed the positive impact Access program had on their studies and life in general.

Then, Mr. Yadgar, shared a brief insight about his personal life and experiences, encouraged the students and advised them to fight for what they believe in, and explained/showed some of tools and techniques he had used that helped overcome his struggles in the past. Afterwards, other teachers followed on the stage and advised accordingly. The alumni students were very pleased to see each other again, and seeing their teachers and share their success stories. They all got very excited and restored some positive energy from the students’ and teachers’ motivational stories and speeches. The students showed commitment and promised to participate in coming similar future events , to enhance their
skills and ensure continues learning.

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